Thursday, February 19, 2004

I was late to work by an hour,a major sin if you didn't prepare the boss for it ahead of time and call someone as soon as you drag your drunkard tired ass out of bed.
I did these 2 things and spared myself the admonitions...
I walk into the shop and there is my concert mate at my work station...several other employees are around the's our exchange:
him:"are you still mad at me"? (replete with the baiting face)
me:"yes...I can't believe you ditched me". (replete with pissed off face)
him:"I didn't ditch you mother fucker". (replete with what exactly happened I'm not so sure face)
me: "yes you did fucking ditch me asshole".(see pissed off face)
him: "no I didn't...hey,fuck you" (defensive face)
me: "no...FUCK YOU" (storm off to time clock)
And that was was over.
That's the cool thing about my friend...we say what's up and it's hard feelings,no grudges.It may come up again in future interactions,but we laugh about it.
In fact it came up again at lunch time and we were both laughing about it.
That's how friends oughta be...and we both agreed.
SUBHUMANS fucking rocked the house.

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