Thursday, September 04, 2003

Time article

I implore this article...and then,after your'e done washing your eyes and mind out with soap...go find this charles krauthammer and kick his nuts all the way to pluto.Then kick them back to earth and crush them with channel locks before his beady little "something in the groundwater in ohio" eyes.
Who told the UN to fuck off? Busherica.
Who told France and the other opposing countries against this insanity to fuck off? Busherica.
Who said in essence "If you won't help us we'll do it ourselves."Busherica.
Whose in so far over his head that he doesn't know whether to shit or go blind? Bush...and by proxy this place you and I by in called america.
If I was in charge of the UN, I would tell that redneck fucking imbecile to piss made your bed now lie in it...with the emphasis on LIE.
"Go ahead...DO IT yourself...and oh,by the way North Korea just tagged in to make it more interesting".
I read at CNN tonight that Bulgaria has commited troops...HOORAY!!!Cabbage rolls in the mess tent tonight!
Big deal...who gives a shit about Bulgaria? That's like bringing a bat to a gunfight.
I have a theory...
Bush can't make good on those huge contracts to halliburton et al until this shit is under control...and it appears that monkey retard boy has finally accepted the fact that he needs the help of the UN to stitch up the gaping hole he's opened with arrogance and ignorance with the help and advice of a bunch of idiots in his cabinet...or is it cupboard,or better yet his empty jacks bag?
Some say this insanity isn't about terrorism at all, but I is.
And the head terrorist of them all is Bush...failed business man, horrible governor, and favorite dupe of the republican party..."let georgie do it...he'll do anything".
The republican party is killing the ideal of america in front of the rest of the world...and the only people not getting it live here.
I know I keep asking this question, but:What's wrong with us?Bush should be tarred and feathered and run out of washington on a rail...
God (or somebody just like him) help us.

The nature of your oppression is the aesthetic of our anger...

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