Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Better day
Apparently six hours of solid, restful sleep can go a long way to improving one's mood or maybe I've found those invisible rose colored glasses again. Either way today seems to hold a lot more promise than yesterday. It's nice and cool in the office at the moment which makes the temporary demise of the window A/C unit a tolerable event. Somewhere on this A/C unit there is a clogged drain hole, but that's outside in an area where there are several yellow jacket nests. The wasp population is starting to get on my nerves now that dinner has been interrupted twice in one week because one wandered inside the house and felt an affinity for the light fixture over the dining room table. One of the dogs caught and ate the first one (how do they do that with no ill effects?) and Rob swatted down the second one after I fled to the hallway. I'm not sure Rob understands how much I appreciate that little act of heroism, but I get that warm, fuzzy feeling of love just thinking about it. Ah shucks, I'm getting all mushy and sentimental now. Time to go clean house!

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