Wednesday, April 20, 2005


The catholics have a new pope...Benedict XIV . People I present to you the cardinal formerly known as Ratzinger. When the cult of mary thinks benedict they think of a new dawn.
When I think of benedict I think of canadian bacon, english muffins and eggs with hollandaise. So when I think of the new pope, my mouth will water. Not because I am an A: a catholic pedophile, but because B: I am hungry for breakfast. He is approaching 80, he was the right hand of John Paul, he grew up in germany and lived through the nazi thing.
There are folks who have a problem with the nazi thing. I say he's an old guy. And the other "also ran" cardinals up there in the conclave know this, and wanting to preserve their chance at being pope someday, they voted for the old guy. To narrow the lead. Remember the pope that came before John Paul? Me neither. But I do remember he died a very short time after accepting the position, clearing the way for John Paul to run the show for almost 27 years. You have to wonder if John Paul had pictures. You know the kind I'm talking about.
But enough of this papal BS.
Let's move on to politics.
There was a bill put to the texas house regarding the restructuring of child protective services, but when it arrived for consideration there was an amendment attached to it, or "folded into" the bill banning homosexuals, bisexuals and transexuals from being foster parents. This addition to the bill was way beyond the pale of the writer of said bill. It has initially passed.
The reason for this bill was to address the woefully inadequate child protective services department, who have had abuse and death and mayhem swarming around them like locusts for the last few years. Unbearably heavy case loads, limited services, limited shelters and problems with foster parents.Neglectful foster parents out for a stipend, abusive ones out for the stipend and some (pick one) sex, violence, et al. It's not pretty.
But rather than open it up for discussion, a pretty decent bill was introduced to address the problems, but the members representing I mean pandering to the religious right figured out a way to tack this amendment on that denies homosexuals, bisexuals and transexuals the right to provide safe haven and a loving home to the thousands of kids that come from abusive heterosexual households. You know the kind...husband and wife...heterosexual (great!) except...Daddy is a drunk that beats his wife and kids...the 13 year old daughter is a target as evidenced by the "accidental" bathroom encounters.
Let's take her for an example. She is finally removed from the home. She is initially placed in an emergency shelter. A shelter full of kids like her, and some much worse. During her time here she will get lots of " we are here to help you " messages from the staff ( who may or not be able to deliver ) and a shitload of "hey...check this out" messages from the peer group she is sharing the shelter with. Sex...drugs...crime...running away...a miasma of anti parent, anti authoritarian messages. As good as shelters are for providing refuge to kids, they are seething with the most unstable of our youth...some of them are really REALLY fucked up. And the most fucked up ones have been in the system for awhile. So, you have a 13 year old who might have seen some shit at school or on the street but is generally innocent and she is thrust into a world where what the staff told her on admission is very different from waht happens when the staff is not around to monitor things.
I know this to be fact because I worked in the system for over 20 years. I have seen it firsthand.
So, she is placed in a foster home where the male member of the household has more of a hard on for her than her original situation. He likes to "tuck her in"..."tucking her in" goes to "rubbing her back and tummy" night it becomes a blow job. As this abuse escalates, so does the misbehavior on her part. She is finally removed from the home and finds herself back at the shelter. There's a new girl at the shelter...she is a "delicate cutter" and goth and cool to our 13 year old. Our cutter is also a veteran of foster care. She says foster care is cool...even if your foster parents are perverts. They get the check, you suck the dick ( or whatever ) and you can do whatever you want in between because the love of the check and the suck of the dick is freedom...if your'e willing to make the trade off.
And so it goes.
But instead of addressing these issues in some meaningful way, they are pandering to the religious right to prevent homosexuals and bisexuals and transexuals from being foster parents because they present a threat to morality. These lifestyles are morally wrong. If you are a foster child in a homosexual, bisexual or transexual home, you could be influenced into becoming one of the above. But what if your'e in a home of heterosexual drug abusing perverts? Or heterosexual neglectful drunks?
An asshole is an asshole, no matter what you use your asshole for.
There are scores of people who are drawn to foster care, and just like the world, some of them are bad. To target gay members of our community is fundamentally wrong, and denies this reality.
I recently visited a lesbian friend of mine, who has two kids. She and her partner are professional people. Her office was littered with pictures of her kids. On trips, at the park, on vacation...candid shots full of smiles and the vibe that says happy family.
Thank god they are the result of artificial insemination. They cannot be taken away from the home they know and love.
So in summation, what you have is a system working against itself before the foster parent thing is brought up, much less the gay issue. And while I have to admit I have some trouble wrapping my head around a transexual sucessfully parenting a kid...That's just me.
The essence of what they are trying to convey is if you live with a homosexual you will become one. And to that I say, if you live with a drugged out pedophile you will become one.
Nobody has mentioned that if you live with a kind loving individual ( regardless of "station" ) you will become one.
And to the lege and CPS I say...quit pandering to save your jobs.

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