Once upon a time,in the winter of 1993,Max Cavalera (Sepultura,Soul Fly) and Alex Newport (Fudge Tunnel)got together and made the ugliest record of all time (for the time).It fucking rules to this day,although I'll say it's ugliness has been eclipsed in this day and age.But it still stands up.
They were called Nailbomb,and the one album they made was called Point Blank.

I got our first copy out of the used bin at Waterloo records for 5.99-in 94 I think.We loved it,especially this song...World of Shit...enjoy
About a year ago I was at Best Buy (a surprisingly good place to find hard to find music and unusual music)buying a country covers version of AC/DC songs and a baroque cd of AC/DC songs when I came across a remastered Nailbomb with 6 bonus tracks-the only copy...I'll get it next time I said to myself.
I never got around to going back to get it.
So,Irene and I were out today after work looking for an old Rose Tattoo record (never found it)and ended up at the Best Buy-and lo and behold there was Nailbomb,in the wrong slot,at the very front.I snagged it up figuring it was karma.
I mean that cd must have been waiting for me to come back and get it.(I'm sure the cover "art" had nothing to do with it still being there-HA!)
The next stop was to get some wife beater shirts and a chess set at Target.I learned to play chess on a checker board with checker pieces as chess pieces with coins denoting king,queen,knight,bishop and rook stacked on top of the checker pieces when I was 11.My dad went crazy for chess,and we played often-he even had a travel set!
As it turns out,Ann isn't familiar with chess so much-so I get to teach her.Tonight.
I am so gonna smoke her ass-maybe...:)
update 08:55p
It was a stale mate...I must be rusty-yeah,that's it-rusty:)
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