A.Don't walk.
C.Walk out in front of me.
D.Walk out in front of me,looking at me with contempt and entitlement.Like,after you kick my cars ass,you're gonna kick mine.
Here in Austin, the correct answer is B,C,and D.
I've only been to Mexico a few times,so I don't remember what Mexican walk/don't walk signs look like, or if they even have them. And I'm not implying that our "guest workers" are the only ones doing this. I have witnessed the following blatently ignoring the red hand...
Punk ass high schoolers...drunk ass homeless people...crazy homeless people (they even yell at your car...an added bonus)...That homeless guy that wears 18 layers of clothing year round and carries his estate around in three overflowing grocery carts covered with those blue tarps and rope. That guy with no legs in the moto-wheelchair that has a lift built in. I saw him at HEB one time when I was stoned, one minute he was at wheelchair elevation,I turned away and when I turned back, he was 9 fucking feet tall! I call him Voltron now. But I digress. And deaf homeless people with tablets that tell the life story, and beg for money.And when you try to gently shine them on they go ballistic, exploding in a cacophony of vaguely simian grunts and groans and gesturing you with ugly hand signals and grotesque body movements.But mostly, it's "guest workers",so I'm guessing it's a cultural thing,and the rest of these asshats are just fucking with me...because they can .
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