Saturday, March 17, 2007


Here goes...

Let me tell ya bout a tough one...a dog named Sullivan
Big and black and proud
When I first spied him he was a wee lad in a cage
At me vet he survived the plague but his owner wouldn't pay
So, bein' a black dog, he came home with me

He blended right in, became part of the family
A barky talkin' black dog
Smart as a whip and not shy about it
95 pounds of Sullivan
But not beyond a hug for me an you

White spot on his chest...
Toenails on the back feet white
The kind of dog you want in a fight
He could take a punch, had the scars to prove it
And he could dish it out

Remember him on saint patty's
Hold his name up to the light
I miss my Sully
Black irish lost to the night.

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