Monday, March 12, 2007


I got sent back to a job I was on several months ago to complete the punch list...I had posted pictures of it back then and will post some new ones tomorrow. The logic being that I am one of the only IJ's left who was on the job and I would have some sort of insight on completing the punch list ( a list of usually minor tasks to be done at the end of a project )...yeah, ok. I haven't been on this job since before thanksgiving. The walls are all closed up, but surprisingly, it came back to me.
Have I ever mentioned that I hate yuppy posers? You know the type, and if you don't it will become self evident with the pictures of this place tomorrow.
This place screams BMW and over extended visa cards. Yuck.
On a lighter note, most of the other trades there then are still there and I saw this carpenter named Mace, who is really cool, he reminds me of an old high school buddy named Chase. He calls me Sparky...what ya think? should I change my sig?

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