Crybabies mystify me. And I don't mean babies that cry, I mean full grown adults that bemoan thier lives ... nay ... Piss and moan about thier lives at an almost nonstop pace.
Are they simply beating themselves up because they enjoy it? Sort of a psychic self flagellation? Or is it some weird form of munchausen's by proxy where they derive some satisfaction by projecting all the bad karma onto someone else? And receive the empathy that is like emotional crack?
People have issues...I know it's hard to beleive, but even I have issues, but I also have boundaries...I'll let you know what's going on with me to a degree, but I save my deep emotional sharing for Annabelle or a couple of very select close friends ( a very infrequent sharing in this case, and usually drink is involved ). I have shared some deeply emotional thoughts and events here, but I see that as a different animal. To some degree, this is journalism (ahem) and the point of writing is to convey thoughts and feelings that conjure thoughts and feelings in the reader. So, shut up about the hypocrite thing :)
Sometimes people think too much about thier station in life and do too little about it.
We all feel sorry for ourselves sometimes, but to make self abasement the focus of your life mystifies me. Sometimes the best course is to hunker down and do what you know, and the details of what you need to know will fall into place.
One thing I know from my years in the social work field that is rock solid to this day is, sometimes you can think about your shit too much, or as some great philosopher said long ago, "make a mountain out of a mole hill".
Read more about things that mystify others at participating Bloghuh? blogs this week:
Blue Witch
bob's yer uncle
Changing Places
In the Aquarium
Kitchen Witch
La Que Sabe
London Daily Photo
Purple Pen
Quixotic Evil
Santiago Dreaming
Who Knows Where Thoughts Come From?
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