I have spent the better part of a week climbing up and down 10 and 12 foot ladders, tying in home runs and mounting exit lights and a very fucking heavy disconnect switch for the outdoor sign ( a real challenge for me considering the hands free option at roughly 18 feet in the air ). It's like going to the gym and riding the stair master with a tool belt on and carrying heavy bulky shit...but I'm not complaining, I'm just tired.
The new boots are a welcome change from the throbbing pins and needles of the old ones, so that's a plus. I've lost enough weight that I tuck in my shirts now more than not, and in my hidden desire to inflame and shock, I dug out the white trash belt and wore it.

Much to my surprise, it was the source of lot's of " I really like your belt"...not just from my crew, but from management of the business who were conducting on site interviews...go figure, I guess they see the humor in it like I do. I'm not white trash, I just portray one on TV, or something like that.
Which reminds me, I wore my White Devil T shirt last week...the one I ordered from that white pride site last year in a moment of impulsive drunkeness and nobody on the site blinked an eye, but when i went to use the facilities at neighboring Costco ( porta-johns were nasty that day) the stares were burning a hole in me! It was as if Metzger hisownself had walked into the store...fucking uptight white people, go figure.
I went to the supply house this morning for the first time in over a month, and the girl that works the counter was really happy to see me, very flirty. And she gave me the wrong shit as usual...I should of checked the order more closely, but I was thrown off by the flirty stuff I guess. When you're pushing 50 and a fairly attractive 30 something is hitting on you hard you experience some super ego / ego / Id conflict. It was an ego boost the wrong parts notwithstanding. Dad issues, I tell myself.
It's looking like a long next couple of days...12's probably. We need to be done and out (save the punch list) by wed.
I got a copy of Van Morrison's Astral weeks over the weekend and have been digging it.
That is all. I mean, I'm sure I left some shit out...but hey...:)
Hoo Whee! as Clem would say...
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