So I'm running late this morning and rush out of the house and get on MoPac heading north at a high rate of speed to the job.As I'm approaching the RR 2222 exit (about 8 miles from home), I remember that I'm doing a service call on a job from last year about a 1/2 a mile from my house ! And that I'm suppose to report to the shop...10 plus miles in the opposite direction.
I call the one person I know who will be at the shop that early and tell him of my dumb-ass-ery as I turn around and head back south.
I roll up 20 minutes late,but it's all good.I got to work with Shane today, which is cool.I like him and we work together well...Service work is different from construction in that you don't have to wear hard hats and safety glasses and deal with safety guys bird dogging you all day long.It's quieter and more laid back.
Plus,this one was at the shelter I ran as a manager about 10 years ago.But,I dressed for the construction job,which meant that I was wearing a bandanna pirate style ( a liner for the hard hat ) which probably wasn't a big deal,but I felt under dressed.As luck would have it we had to go to supply house.I asked the salesman if they had any hats and here's what I got-
It was a fun day even though it started with a misstep. Tomorrow it's back to the grind-but that's cool too.
I'll leave you with this funny picture Ann took of me last night clowning with the doggies...
Oh yeah,I almost forgot...BW quoted me on her thought for the day today...I'm honored.
Not only have I made her laugh,I was (in a fleeting moment)quote worthy.
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