If you count the "detour" we took (that means I got momentarily lost) Irene and I did about 5 miles this morning.That includes back tracking a 1/2 mile to get this picture again because my memory card is flaking on me.
But it hung in there for me and I got the shot.
Then it completely crapped out when I downloaded the image.
She's my little cavegirl...
Some MILF soccer mom wanna be jogging with her MILF wanna be friends chastised me for not having beenz on a leash-while I wanted to say "you're not suppose to get in the 10 items or less line with 15 items either,everybody does-so fuck you and your rippling ab's you California bitch". I just ignored her and carried on with all the other people blatantly breaking the leash law right before her indignant eyes.
Other than that,it was a very pleasant hike.even the detour was good.
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