Wednesday, September 17, 2008


If they win in November we will meet our demise at an accelerated rate.After all,they are the party that set all of this in motion-thanks Bunnypants,you inbred pile of dung.
I have refrained from commenting on this election for a number of reasons,but it really boils down to a couple of key points.
McCain is a lying flip flopping asshat who'll do anything to win because, after all,he was a POW and deserves to be the one who finally does us in.If he prevails,he'll probably be taking a dirt nap in 6 months and that uber bitch will be in charge-god forbid.An incompetent, ultra right wing religo-crazy war monger at the helm...oh wait...isn't that what we've had for the last 8 years?
Now,as far as the democratic ticket goes - please don't take this wrong because I don't really feel this way...but who is going to vote for the nigger? People like Bill Cosby and they loved Slappy White,but you never saw them in the white house,did you?It's called the white house for a reason.There are not enough enlightened people in this country to ensure them victory ( I hope I'm wrong about that BTW,that will at least buy us one term before we go under-unless some other "meth heads" succeed in killing him before he gets started ).
And Biden? Remember Fred McMurray from my three sons? Yeah,that dude...ZZZZzzzzz...
oh! I'm sorry! I'm so bored by Biden I fell asleep for a minute. He's like picking a limp dick for your running mate.And he's not a Washington insider...sure he's not.
I hate to bum you out,but in my estimation,based on current events,we are fucked regardless of who wins the race...which,by the way, has been reduced to a Jon Benet pageant.Which is to say-who the fuck cares anymore?
Now-go out and VOTE! (like a makes a fucking difference at this point).
And that's all I'm going to say about this sham until after November-if we haven't been vaporized by then.

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