Thursday, August 09, 2007


As you've read,My Annabelle got "demoted" today.Something I see as a blessing in disguise.She's mourning the bruise to her ego and celebrating the reduction in stress all at once by having some beers and playing songs that mean something to her (and me in some cases)on her computer.It's fairly annoying,but's her moment and the rev abides.
It can be a very cleansing experience.Music has always been an integral part of our lives together and back when we weren't.
We have been semi stable for too many years financially,the impetus being that crown jewel of assholes andy hines.But we have managed to survive.
Juggle juggle juggle is the name of the game,juggle all the time.And I'm tired of keeping the balls in the air,something's gonna break soon.
Cue up the Nailbomb honey!
I got a plan and here it is:
Sell the house
Pay off our debt
Get the fuck out of Texas in a RV (or converted school bus) that we buy with the proceeds and I travel the books around Colorado and New Mexico.
This takes balls and a giant leap of faith,but I'm almost there.
I'm nearing the end of my rope,and I suspect Annabelle is as well.

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