Friday, August 17, 2007


Through another week in the tower of evil(T.O.E).Today and Thursday weren't so bad heat wise because of the rain.The elevators continue to malfunction which is unnerving and it seems the elevator defliction has spread to the parking garage.The dayshift security guard is a nazi and we have been relegated to a stinky alley to smoke,no longer allowed to gather on the street (because we are construction workers and therefore are a blight,while the other smoking occupants of the building are left alone to do as they please).
There are signs on the stairwell doors on every floor that say "this door to remain closed at all times" in english and...wait for this...fucking french because the building is literally crawling with undocumented french workers.
The stupidity of this is not lost on somebody,who has added the same in latin.
One of my old work buddies from UT has transferred to T.O.E and we've been working on the same crew this week.It's nice to have an old friend around.We both come from a social work background as well,so are perceptions are shared and frequently hilarious.To us anyway.
And I have learned some new things this week in regard to wiring and receptacles in series.
I'm looking forward to the weekend.

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