Sunday, August 05, 2007


I've had my ears pierced for a long time.At one point,shortly after becoming an electrician,I decided I would let my 00 gauge holes close up so I would blend in better.
Well,guess what?They didn't.So after about a year I went back to wearing 8 gauge eyelets because it looked better than having cat buttholes on my earlobes.
Any of you who have larger piercings know that if you don't remove them,clean them and the holes on a regular basis you will begin to notice a smell.A distinctive odor.An odor that I like to call "skanky pussy" and I'm not talking about cats.
I was in line at the grocery the other day and this dude behind me said "Dude!Have you been eating skanky pussy?"I replied "No dude,it's my ears...sorry."And then I motioned to the q-tips and alcohol in my basket.He nodded in agreement then said something about his prince albert smelling the same way.Just kidding,but you get the point.
I have cleaned them not once,but twice and I'm still catching a fishy whiff.
This never happened when I had "regulation" piercings.
Life's just so unfair sometimes.

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