Monday, August 06, 2007


As I was turning onto my street this afternoon,I came face to face with the police.They saw my expired inspection and registration stickers and immediately did a u turn.I managed to pull into my driveway and jump out of my truck just as he pulled in front of my house,rolled to an almost complete stop,glared at me and then drove away.
In dodging a bullet,I made a tactical error:Now he knows where I live and will lie in wait for me to leave again to give me the tickets.
Some background at this point.I have been horrible about keeping my registration and inspection current since I started driving 30 plus years ago. It's almost a hobby,fuck is a hobby.Back in the 80's I once went 2 years before I got a ticket!Ha!Take that authority!
So,after about 3 hours I ventured out to the liquor store and took an alternate route to throw off the cops.I was 20 feet from the parking lot when POOF! there he was on a side street as I passed.I managed to get into the parking lot and out of the truck just as he was pulling in.He blocked me in and waited.
I pointed him out to the store owners and explained why he was out there (waiting for me)and they were having none of that.They made me wait him out and then watched to see which direction he turned.He went north so I went south and took another route back to the house.As soon as I turned on my street,there he was in my rear view mirror,2 cars behind me!I made it to my driveway again,just in the nick o' time.
He's out there circling...I can feel it in my bones.

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