Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Every Thursday morning we start the day in the T.O.E with a safety meeting right out of the box.A supervisor for the general contractor usually presides with the safety guy I mentioned yesterday to act as translator for the roughly 85% of workers in attendance that don't speakee the englee.
This supervisor is an orator with mad skills and the issues covered carry some serious weight.
Some recent quotes:

"Now you try explaining to your family and loved ones why you got fired for using the wrong restroom,do yourself a favor and stay off of the forth floor".

"Now you try explaining to your family and loved ones why you got run off the job for using the wrong elevator".

"I was reading a recent OSHA report and wanted to share these highlights with you"...He then goes on to admonish us to try explaining to our families and loved ones how we got:Crushed by a snorkel lift,impaled on a giant spike in a ditch,and electrocuted by a faulty extension cord that was in a puddle of water.And more to the point:"why you got run off for not wearing your hard hat".

The bilingual safety guy translates between each threat to our livelihoods presumably verbatim,but since I don't understand a word he's saying beyond har' ha',he could be telling jokes or talking about what a dumb ass the supervisor is.
But the reason I like these meetings so much is the fact that work starts later,morning break comes faster and I've got fodder to make my equally hot and stressed coworkers laugh.

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