Tuesday, June 12, 2007


My top left wisdom tooth is crowded and loose,and in the course of practicing for the Hill's open mic,I have discovered a side effect.It's not painful,just annoying,and it effects my speech/singing by giving me what can only be described as a lisp.
A FUCKING LISP!I can still belt out the wolves stuff as that involves more growling than singing,but try to tame the voice down and it doesn't work.
I'm gonna cash out my second draw from my vacation fund and use some of that money to get that bitch extracted.Request in by Friday,get your check on Monday.Get tooth pulled on Tuesday,be ready for open mic the following Tuesday.That's the plan anyway.
Another excruciatingly hot day at work,but,over the next few days a reprieve of sorts.There's a job downtown,indoors (w/AC!)that's in a crunch to finish by weeks end.
There's also overtime involved.But here's the catch...it's installing devices (plugs and switches)all day long.Repetitive,mind numbing devices.But hey,they need my help so I'm there.Plus...a/c!WooHoo!

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