(WARNING!Photo of Paris Hilton's munkel region,in happier times,displayed below)
But this isn't it...this is Phil Spector and his enormous afro.Early on in his trial for "alledgedly" shooting struggling actress Lana Clarkson in the mouth...in the MOUTH people!Talk about blowin' yer load,man!I guess his lawyers convinced him that looking like the cover of Funkadelic's "Maggot Brain" wasn't a good idea.

Spector:"I'll rock you like a hurricane...and if you won't let me,I'll kill you...with my gigantic afro,or one of my many guns I like to wave in womens faces that are repulsed by my shriveled junk...boyaa"!
So,in a startling makeover,he showed up looking like a blonde Liza Minelli...Check him out...

Spector:"She shot herself...in my CASTLE!The bitch"...
Sure she did,you pathetic little weasel.
Moving on...
Tom Sizemore got busted again for meth,and even though they found the shit and paraphernalia in his car with him in it,he's pleading not guilty...so far.
Here's Tom in better days...

Sizemore:"I love how speed accentuates my skills as an actor"!
But lately...

Sizemore:"Whaa-whaa-whaa...Please don't put me in jail,speed has ruined my life...Whaaa"!
Poor Tom...no wait,fuck that guy.He did it to himself.If you get a pass,not once but twice,you should have enough snap to not get caught tweaking in your car holding
And finally:
Paris goes to jail...poor lil' Paris.Here she is in better times.

Paris:"Everybody's got something to hide,'cept for me and my monkey,C'mon Brit!Lindsay!Let's cruise around in my limo and flash the 'lower caste',it'll be fun and besides,nothing says class like letting your junk hang out"!
Not so fast bitch!Pushed it just a bit too far,eh?

Paris:"God...I better get that new 'monk-gard 2000' before I report to serve my 23 days in administrative segregation"!
Good luck,skanky pants!Mean it!
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