Thursday, June 14, 2007


I've resurrected the bird bath/feeder in the front yard since we have been spending so much time on the front porch these days.We see a large number of sparrows and ring necked doves using the feeder and the spill off to the ground,and the grackles hit the bath regularly.But there are few jays and cardinals coming around.And I've wondered about that.Where are they?And today I saw this article at CNN about the decline of bird populations.
Birds have always fascinated me in the way they interact with each other as same species and otherwise.While the doves are flying around the feeder sparring and flirting with each other,the sparrows eat at the feeders non-plussed and unharrassed,unconcerned with the dove drama playing out around them at close range,such tiny creatures,non plussed and pecking away as the doves do their thing.
It bothers me to read about declining populations.
I'm expanding this area to include a larger feeder to accommodate the bigger birds and hopefully attract some jays and cardinals.
We'll see what happens...

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