It's hoppy toad season!And they are everywhere in the yard this year,there must be a colony living under the deck.Tonight I was out on the front porch working on my set for the open mic and I bet I saw 5 or 6 individuals hop by,out on the hunt.Next to turtles,these toads are my favorite creatures,I'm glad they like our yard and are eating at least some of the hell spawn insects that invade every spring.

And yes,he pissed on my hand...and no,it won't give you warts,That piss is just a hoppy toads way of saying "don't fuck with me,or I'll piss on your hand".It's not like aliens acid for blood thing.It won't hurt you.
Isn't he cute?When I put him down he paused for a moment and looked at me before hopping off to the was like he was going"see...I told you I would piss on you...take that...BAM!Toad piss".
"Now go wash your hands bitch,before you get warts.Don't mess with the hoppy toads"...:).
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