Yesterday,celebrants at the juneteenth shindig at Rosewood Park were returning/passing through the Booker T. Washington apartments...it was apparently very congested...when a car driven by a mexican hit a 4 year old black girl (who sustained minor injuries).The driver got out to see what was up and he was attacked.The passenger got out and came to his aid, and he was beaten...to
Here's a link to the article:
Now,before I get into the opinion part of this post,let me point out a couple of things.1.The black community has been in an uproar in the last couple of years about police profiling them and killing three,to the point that there is a DOJ investigation coming regarding our police force and their conduct.I'm fine with that.I believe the APD needs to be investigated,for a lot of things.
2.Portrayed as "apartments" by the media,Booker T is a fucking project in east Austin,and as such has the social/racial demographic of a fucking project.
3.Other media (Fox news)said no less than four times in it's coverage that this "doesn't appear to be a hate crime".And I agree with that as well.
(Note:at this point I decided to call my buddy Clark and verify/nullify my initial take on this...it is important to note that Clark is a black man)
Me:Hey man did you hear about that shit at Booker T last night?
C:Yeah man,that's some fucked up shit.
Me:Well,I'm blogging about it and I suddenly realized I needed a brotha's perspective on this thing.
C:Well,I don't know about that,but I can give you a human perspective on it.
Bam!That's precisely why this dude is my friend.
And as usual,we were on the same page...to quote Chris Rock:"The party was goin' just fine,until the niggas showed up".Clark was fairly certain the guys that did this were between 16 and 30 and thuggish,with something to prove.And further,he and I agree to the point:what was a four year old doing out, unsupervised at 9:30 at night.Where were the parents?
Apparently they were amongst the crowd of drunks,wrapping up a celebration characterized by one resident of Booker as "the craziest it's been".
Not a hate crime...a drunk thug crime.And another tragedy driving that wedge further into race relations in east Austin.
I personally avoid that part of town at every opportunity because,like Clark,I don't want the cops to think I'm cruising for drugs,but more importantly,I don't want some thug looking to make book to jack the white guy and I would have to shoot him...and here we go again...
The message of tolerance and acceptance has been completely lost on a large segment of the population,young and old...most of it ingrained in the examples of the past,some of it fomented by the distortions of the past by the present on both sides.
One things for sure, it's gonna get interesting around here until the cops kill another black kid,then back to square one.