Today was the first saturday I didn't need to get up at the ass crack of dawn and drive Ann to work. And I didn't even have the added bonus of declining the need for wheels and letting her drive herself. She was off today as well. I managed to sleep in till 8 am. This is what I did today....
Got up and had a cup of coffee and a slice of last nights pizza, went back to the bedroom and layed down with Theo and Irene and turned on the TV...found a Law and Order Criminal Intent marathon on the USA network. I like this show.
Started drinking screwdrivers around 10am, and everytime I would emerge from the bedroom to make another I would refill Sullivans kong with a variety of stuff. He was in heaven.
Around noon I switched out the dogs and Sullivan and I had a nap on the bed.
When I woke up the marathon was over and golf was on...ewwww.
I switched over to the sci fi channel and watched "Frankenfish" .... OK, mostly I just spoiled Sully.
I finally got dressed around 8pm and went to the store.
I came home and made tacos and got undressed...boxers and crispy tacos. Daddy like.
I didn't get a thing done all day except relax, give my dogs some undivided attention, and remind myself that the sci-fi channel should stop making original movies, or at least make them for the comedy channel.
Good night.
Now this is funny...

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