Monday, October 31, 2005


The spin is on...I saw a commercial last night painting our DA as a veritable demon for going after that legitimate demon Tom DeLay. Imagine if you will that that Chapman guy that killed Lennon had the money to make commercials supporting his cause, or maybe the Son of Sam. Or maybe Dahmer...I can see it now. That Korean boy really wanted me to gape his ass and then drill a hole in his head and fill it up with muriatic acid because he wanted to be a zombie sex slave. Please.
These are extreme examples of a corruption of justice, I think I know Tom hasn't fucked any korean boys or drilled holes in their head, but he is still a suspect in a crime. His money and connections should not allow him the opportunity to bullshit the rest of us. Tried by FACTS...not by SPIN. What he is accused of doing is on so many levels worse that the murder of one ( or 12 or 25 ), he has raped the trust and integrity of america. For personal gain, for partisan gain. He shouldn't get away with it because he can afford better spin commercials. That's just wrong.
And that's whats wrong with all of this...DeLay, "Scooter", Frist et al; they think they are above the law because of their means...they have the means and the influence to negate the facts. And they believe that we as a populace are so stupid, that if we see a slickly produced ad on the TV we'll buy it. Sadly they are mostly right.
Think about that for a minute...These people have the means to alter the facts and get away with all manner of malfeasance. How do they pull this off? Good question. They have power, they have money, they have a (admittedly small but powerful ) group of americans that are, for a variety of reasons, insane, and buy into the bullshit. This neo-con agenda.If they didn't offer this particular brand of neo con religio- bullshit, they would stay home on election night...Pounding the bible and minding their own business.Molesting the kids with the poison of this party and watching the PAX channel.
And the people that could make the most difference are so beaten down by the never ending onslaught of bullshit, stay home and clean their guns...or smoke a joint...or both.
Don't be fooled by the spin...they are guilty...Guilty as sin.
Get out and vote...advice I should take myself. And you know I will.

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