The cost of working
It seems odd to me that we are just as broke now as we were when I didn't have a job at all. Now Rob did earn more money back then and things were a bit cheaper, but it still doesn't seem to add up. Or maybe it does. I had the time back then to really manage the money and I suspect there is some waste going on now simply because I haven't the time or the energy to do things like plan a smart grocery list and look for sales. Still, there's no way I could trim, cut back and or save enough to do away with my job completely. But I can follow through with a promise I made to myself months ago which was if I could find a way to save $10 a day, then I could drop down to 36 hours a week instead of 40. I actually did find those savings. I found them months ago, but I've continued to work 40 hours a week or more. The "savings" went elsewhere, not sure exactly where, but I suppose they are helping to pay the electric bill or buying a better cut of meat for dinner. However, given my stress level lately, I've decided it is time to make good on that promise to myself. Starting this week I'm working 36 hours instead of 40. I'm not entirely sure that working four hours less on the phones per week is going to make me a happier and healthier person, but I figure it can't hurt.
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