BW and Rob have convinced me to give the sickly green beans a bit more time so that's turned into a wait and see situation. The squash is doing the best of all the plants but only producing male flowers right now so I have no little squash yet to watch. We will harvest our first cherry tomato soon (probably tomorrow,) but have had no new blooms now for weeks. This means there's only a handful of tomatoes on the plants, but heck, even just a few makes me feel like a success. I found another big pot laying around that I can use to plant cucumbers and even found some old partial bags of soil so the only money I need to spend is on seed. That's good news since we are still flat broke. The beet seedlings are not very happy due to the record heat we've had this week, but things are cooling down a bit so maybe there's hope. It's all a grand experiment so what ever happens is fine with me.

Happy squash

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