Republican hopeful Mike Huckabee is experiencing what his staffers are calling a huckaboom.A surge in the polls in Iowa.This is the guy that says women should submit to their husbands in marriage.This is the guy who is an ordained southern baptist minister.
Reminds me of a joke:
Why don't southern baptists make love standing up?
Because they are afraid people will think they are dancing.
Seriously,this guy can say something like that and he surges in the polls?
The narrow minded intolerance of southern baptists should be enough to submarine this guy,but no,he's gaining ground instead.Why is that?Well,part of it is he has no problem lying,in fact,lying is a tenant of the church he belongs to I think.It sure seems that way to me,growing up around them and all,but what do I know?
I wonder if he's holding out on busting out the poisonous snakes until super tuesday?
"I can handle these snakes and they do not bite me!Vote Huckabee in '08 or burn forever in holy damnation"!
Could it be a yet unseen consequence of global warming?As the temps rise,the ability to think rationally diminishes?
Who knows?
We're on an express elevator to hell...
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