Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And lo, I survived the day after...
Christmas with my family turned out quite nice even if it was on the eve of Christmas Day instead of the traditional Christmas Eve. We had to move the celebration so everyone could be there which is the whole point of Christmas to my family so no regrets. There was a downside though - all that family get-together-ing is rather exhausting and even though I got to bed at a fairly reasonable hour, I wasn't well enough rested for what is traditionally the worst day of the year at work. And today definitely lived up to it's reputation. My first task of the day was to call a customer back to follow up on a repair ticket. The customer answered the phone and I introduced myself and the reason for calling. The customer then screamed "Suck my dick!" and hung up the phone. Well, the rest of the day didn't get much better and at one point I came very close to walking out the door and never coming back. But then I remembered it was the day after Christmas which has been absolutely horrible every year that I've worked there so I gritted my teeth and made it to the end of my shift. This was followed by the joy of standing in line at the post office for ages to mail an important item priority mail so apparently the day after Christmas is not such a good day for postal workers either. When I finally got home I was very glad that Rob had the foresight to purchase beer which meant there was a cold one waiting for me in the 'fridge. A few beers later and I now think that I can face the next stretch of craziness at work... I just need to make it into the new year, ask for my week's worth of vacation time left to take in February so I don't lose it and then after that get busy finding another job. With luck I'll find something better in time to actually *enjoy* the holidays next year. I need to keep in mind not to apply for sort of retail, call center or postal service jobs. Hmm, I wonder if universities still hire file clerks?

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