Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Work has been kicking my butt these last few weeks. In theory, a promotion to L2 means less time on the phones, but my typical luck of the draw landed me promoted in the middle of a busy spell. As a result, I've spent my whole day on the phones just as before except that now I'm also juggling multiple chat windows from L1s needing help with their calls. Most of the employees there have no trouble juggling multiple chat windows while talking on the phone, but they are from the "IM/chat while talking on the phone generation" and had plenty of practice while they were teenagers. I'm from the "parents *might* let you talk on the phone after you finished your homework" generation. Plus, phones had cords back then and there wasn't a whole lot you could do while chained to the wall. And while I've had plenty of practice multitasking in various jobs, this is my first experience with having five or more simultaneous conversations, each one about something different. It takes some getting used to, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Although I must admit I managed to destroy my last stress ball today. Yes, I use a stress ball because it gives me something to smash while I sound all sweet and nice to customers that really should be poked in the eye with a sharp stick. What the heck, all that negative energy has got to go somewhere and it might as well go into a handful of rubbery foamlike stuff. I suppose now that I've exhausted my parents supply of AARP and Heart Hospital stress balls I'll have to go in search for one at a store. Preferably one that holds up a bit better since those promo ones only tend to last a week or so.

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