Thursday, July 07, 2005


Sorry London, really...that this has been brought upon you in a time of what should be joy. The G8 thing, the olympics in 2012 ( will any of us be around at this rate in 2012?). How did they manage to pull this off without the "intelligence community" having a clue? I listened to Air america radio mostly today and watched a bit of CNN when I got home, and while CNN spent it's time focusing on the who, what and where of this crime, they avoided the why angle beyond the oft cried "why can't we all just get along" sentiment.
Air america capitolized on the event to take shots, as well they should, but they also wanted to know why the "intelligence community" missed the boat.
To me, it's simple...imagine if you will, a bunch of radical islamist groups populating London, monitored but not controlled by the british end of this mess (according to reports) sitting around the mosque and realizing that G8 was coming to neighboring Scotland, G8 by and large, attended by leaders of nations they despise. Someone says "what a great opportunity to blow some shit up here in London and the ball starts rolling. Right past the "intelligence community" and into the tubes of London.
What a shame on so many levels.
Our good thoughts are with you.

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