I wrote a while back about finding an old friend...Jenny. She had this spiral notebook of songs and musings and drawings from 1974,5 and 6. She sent it to me and it arrived today.
I opened it with reverence, with hesitation, and some relish.
This is archeology people...musings from a time gone, hippies, drugs, innocence and really bad penmanship on my part.
Seriously, though, I pulled that notebook out of it's envelope and was transported to an earlier time...my earlier time...some 30 years ago.
I share some of it with you, worthy or not.:)

and then...

It was actually the tubes that coined white punks on dope, I guess I just loved the question mark upside down cross of the cult...who knows, drugs were involved.
My handwriting sucked though...

To Jenny I say thanks for a concrete reference to the memories...I knew we did all that shit, I just couldn't prove it.
You got the biggest hug coming when I see you.
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