Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Americans overwhelmingly lack confidence that Iraq will have a stable government in place within the next year, but those who believe the war is worth its cost is rising, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Wednesday. Meanwhile, President Bush said the Iraqi insurgency would not shake his determination to succeed there: "I just want to tell you, whether you agree with me or not, they're not going to shake my will. We're doing the right thing," he said.

Here's the headline for this little gem...

Poll: Americans gloomy about Iraq's future

Are we really suppose to think that any person dodging bullets in Iraq right now gives a flying fuck what the infidels think about the atrocity going on in their country that they are, by extension, responsible for? Give me a fucking break.
GLOOMY??? Come on now...CNN...I can think of a 1000 better adjectives to describe the feeling about what's going on in Iraq right now. Deeply ashamed and overwhelmed with guilt come to mind.

Plus, the added bonus of the bunnypant's quote ending with "we're doing the right thing". Right after he says " they're not going to shake my will". Surely I'm not the only one who didn't miss this egocentric and sociopathic, yet confused statement...we are doing the right thing, following his will. One name comes to mind when I read this,'s the same old shit in a new bag and the stamp on the bag is the american flag instead of a swastika.

Some right wing bitches are feeling "gloomy" about Iraqs future while they sit, safe at home in america? Please.

On a related note...Iran has resumed their nuclear research, thumbing their nose at the UN and the world...specifically us, the U S of Fucked UP America. Bush has been for an excuse to bomb Iran for a long time now. His aunt jemima secretary of state has as much as said so in recent months...god, i hate that woman...tool of the man and a disgrace to her people, but that's another post.
Here's a scenario for you...we bomb the research sites they have reopened and kill a shitload of Iranian civilians in the process. The Iranian army enmasse piles across the border into Iraq and pummels the shit out of our undermanned for even a bunch of insurgents forces...and just for spite, sends a couple hundred thousand into Israel, just to shake it up a bit.
Think about a quarter pound of C-4 in a soda can on the side of the road and compare it to an armoured division of american hating Iranians backed by a fundamentalist government swarming over a country in chaos. Killing 1000's in an all out fucking war instead of this bullshit they call a war.This is not a war, it's a gang fight. Here's another potential headline for you ... Iraq insurgency replaced by Iranian INVASION.
Now that's gloomy.

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