I've been following this for days on air america radio, Cindy Sheehan lost her son in Iraq, and her initial meeting with bunnypants left a bitter taste that presented itself with her opining that W had "no conscience" , her comments were twisted and taken out of context by the press. And so this woman took her fight to Crawford, where the emperor in chief has a "ranch" to protest the war in Iraq and demand that the troops come home now and that hard on for war and oil explain to her what noble cause her son died for.
Since this started, every neo con media puppet has done thier best to discredit Ms. Sheehan...Bill O'Really especially...he called her a traitor and pretends to know her sons motivations better than her. It's shameful what these assholes are trying to do. If I could I would beat Bill within inches of his life with a pillowcase full of nails and wood screws for the kind of shit he spreads in general and specifically what he has done to slander Ms. Sheehan and belittle the loss of her son in the name of sucking bushco's collective dick.
But I ramble...
There are hundreds of people gathering in Crawford in support of Ms. Sheehan and her stand. The morning guy on air america says this is the biggest anti war movement in his memory ( he's 41...I guess he's too young to remember the Viet Nam protests but on some level he is right ) Ms. Sheehan has been called the 21st centuries first Rosa Parks ( this label is a mistake that could backfire in a big way if they aren't careful, they being the actual "liberal media" coming dangerously close to derailing what could be the undoing of Bushco...the straw if you will, because they are too busy foaming at the mouth to play this out correctly ).
Bunnypants had a press conference today where he mentioned Ms. Sheehan and said he understood her stand, he answered questions from the reporters that were there, but he didn't say if he would meet with her or not. Because the reporters didn't ask that question. Why not? Why didn't they ask him? Why has there not been ONE mention of this on CNNs opening page since it started...sure...the neo con death cult cronies in the media have been trying to discredit this woman from the get go, but any meaningful coverage is absent here in Austin's mainstream media. There was a picture of a woman throwing the peace sign at the helicopters circling Camp Casey (named after her son) and a caption in the UT paper...the daily texan, but I haven't seen anything meaningful about it anywhere else ( not to infer that a picture and a caption is meaningful).According to Ms. Sheehan, they are being regularly harrassed by local law enforcement...moved to increasingly smaller and more remote locations with ridiculous time constraints ending with the threat of arrest. Attacked from all sides, Ms. Sheehan is calm cool and articulate woman who speaks of her own loss that resonates with many people, not just people who have lost family members in this unjust joke of a money grabbing war.
This should be all over the headlines but it's not.
And there's a reason for that.
And not being newsworthy isn't one of them.
This is oppression...and repression...and the smell of corruption, and the collusion of a criminal administration propping up the puppet that is Bush.
At the very least, this has (hopefully) ruined bunnypants vacation, at the very most, it is the first domino falling that will end this fucking nightmare administration and put us back on the road of truth and know, the real kind, not that bullshit we've been choking on for years.
*** Do a google on Cindy Sheehan and see the press I've missed...especially her inter view at MSNBC with ken Olberman...thatnk you Ken for having some balls...***