Monday, May 07, 2007


I found this today and it moved me on a number of levels,it's called "When the wind blows" and is about the very human consequences of getting nuked.They follow all the recommendations in the government pamphlets to help you survive "the bomb" and guess what happens?
This is a very well made document of the reality of nuclear can pretend it's not over,but it is.Seriously over.

This "war" in Iraq is really wearing on me these days. I worry for the troops and the "indigenous personnel" caught up in a civil war.The surge that so far has only resulted in an increase of violence and death.The manipulation of stats (car bombs don't count?)and the administrations insistence that things are improving when clearly you would have to blind to not see that things are getting steadily worse.
The giggling murder monkey has a fetish for comparing himself to Lincoln,he apparently installed a portrait of honest Abe in the oval office and compares the civil war to what he's currently enduring with his own civil war.What an asshat.
There's no comparison,and there's a key player missing.
Oh wait!Cheney can be Grant.
This video is a striking portrait of what could happen if matters continue to escalate and somebody,somewhere makes that smoking gun a mushroom cloud,to coin a phrase.

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