So I go to waterloo and pick up my special ordered (?) copy of Honky's "Balls out inn".It rules...but I'm wondering why did I have to order a local artist from a locally owned wrecka stow?This just seems odd to me.Anyhoo,like I said, it rules.Simple as that.
I called my buddy mark that I sent the cd's to recently and my hunch was correct,he loves Death Cab For Cutie.This band is everything morose,but still,they make you smile somehow.
I watched most of Cold mountain on Bravo tonight.Great movie...period costumes were awesome,music was awesome,great actors,great story.But I was puzzled about the character Ruby.Who is this great new talent?Is this the same actor who played Jane in HBO's Deadwood?Who is this incredibly hot looking woman with chops?

Turns out it's Renee Zellweger...who knew? I loves me a woman with a shotgun that looks like that.I will be buying the dvd at some point.Great civil war love story.
Nicole Kidman is the star of this flick,and while she is a beauty in her own right,Renee beat her hands down in looks on this one,I used to dream about girls tht looked like her in my youth.
I did a turtle check this afternoon...all is well in usual,Frag was fucking Annabelle...a clear sign that turtles are happy!:)and everyone else was out and about,active.It did my heart good to see this as I have not been the best turtle wrangler of late.
The weather here has been tolerable of late,probably a sign of the hell that will be wrought upon us that beelzebub likes to call "summer"...ugh.
Al...why did you make that movie and set everything in motion?Did losing the election piss you off that much that you had to create global warming?
Run again and this time you'll win and you can put a stop to our ultimate demise.
I would like to beat gonzo with a sock full of wood screws.
Yada yada yada...Blah blah blah
Good night or morning as it were.
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