Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hell must be freezing over..
Hell must be freezing over because I'm writing a blog post. Oh, I've started quite a few posts over the last month or two, but I've either been interrupted by something three sentences in and never got back to it or I've had to delete them because they said too much about work. I'm still working at the same place in the same job, working crazy hours, weekends and holidays while attempting to do the impossible - which I apparently did pull off at one point a month ago since I'm still there. There are days (most of them) when I kick myself for not letting myself get fired. Of course, that firing is always a possibility tomorrow or the next day, but that's true with any job and right now I'm more interested in figuring out how to enjoy this mess I've landed in. If I can pull that off then I suppose I'll have to write one of those "how to love your job" books and start doing seminars to teach others my "secret" - hahahaha. No, I haven't found the million dollar secret yet, but maybe it's out there waiting... just around the corner... and if I find it, I'll even share it with you right here on this blog for free. Wish me luck.

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