(click on the pic to get the erm...full effect)
Th' Rev: Mr. Himmler...Please explain the platform of the aryan nation.
Himmler: WHITE POWER!!! It's that simple Rev...we have to get over on the mud people and the jews and preserve our god given right to be white and proud. WHITE POWER!!! RAHOWA!!! SKREWDRIVER RULES!!!
Th' Rev: Our research indicates that you are a convicted felon...a criminal. How is that a demonstration of pride for the caucasion race?
Himmler:WHITE POWER!!! It's all the mud people and jews fault that the white man has been beat down, what with all the mixing of races, I mean, just look at eminem and k-fed, what more proof do you need???WHITE POWER!!! Send em all back to affica and jewland!!! RAHOWA!!! If those darkies had'nt started sellin' the crack and the meth, I wouldn't be in here right now. WHITE POWER!!!
Th' Rev:What is your level of education? Did you graduate high school or recieve your GED?
Himmler: WHITE POWER!!!! GED?!?! Fuck that man! I gots me a GAD...Graduate in Aryan Discipline! WHITE POWER!!!!
Th' Rev: Why are you so heavily tattooed?
Himmler: WHITE POWER!!! It shows I'm down with the brotherhood and intimidates all the monkey's in here. WHITE POWER!!!
Th' Rev: Is it effective?
Himmler: WHITE POWER!!! No, not really, sometimes I wonder if the older brothers are fucking with me about the tats...but hey...WHITE POWER!!! PRIDE!!! RAHOWA!!!!
Th' Rev: One final question...Is Jolene your girl on the outside?
Himmler: WHITE POWER!!!! No...it's this black dude up on C block...speakin' of, I gotta go bring him his cigarettes see ya' WHITE POWER!!!
Th' Rev: OK...Thanks Himmler, for that insight into your cause...Goodnight america! Until next time.....
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