I had some time over the thanksgiving break to peruse a number of blogs, both left and right leaning and have come to the following conclusion. ALL of us are completely and utterly full of shit.
Oh, sure, the shit is more twisted and vile from some than from others...that Malkin bitch gets serious craziness props, someone needs to hit her in the face with a sock full of woodscrews...
But I digress. NBC came out this morning with the proclamation that there is indeed a civil war going on in Iraq (DUH!). Apparently, they even backed this claim up with the definition of civil war (like we don't already know)...Here's the miriam-webster definition:
Main Entry: civil war
Function: noun
: a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country
Pretty simple, huh? Hard to imagine that this has been a topic of hot debate...Sunni's and Shia's killing each other in growing numbers and ferocity, while using coalition troops to sight in the weapons.
I understand the white house reacted strongly to NBC's surprising exercise in clarity and denied that it's a civil war...big surprise there, and, oh yeah, fuck you white house.
Now, while our "great democratic coalition" may have yanked the cork out of the bottle, truth is, the cork has been leaky for years. The invasion provided them with an excuse to kill the fuck out of each other.And that's exactly what they're doing.
(Here comes my very own full of shit opinion ) And I say let them. Let's get the hell out of there as fast as we can and let those sunni and shia motherfuckers wage their war of attrition and genocide to their black little hearts content. Eventually, they'll kill enough of each other to realize the insanity of it all...I mean, there aren't enough morgues there as it is. When you have to walk to the market over a 5 foot pile of bodies, something has to give, right? It's their country after all.
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