I did lots and lots of this,over and over again.What is this anyway?Please submit suggestions in the comments.
I was a bit extravagant in the spending department this past week,but dammit!I was stressed.I bought a dvd called harsh times with Christian Bale...a very depressing and violent tome about what happens when you come back from Iraq fucked in the head and try to become an LA police.
I went to the wrecka stow the next night to buy a cd by a band from my 70's hard rock days,Dirty Tricks.The cd in demand was Night Man...I loved this record!Alas,they didn't have it and I had to special order it.They did,however,have the original release of Sandinista! by The Clash.I bought it when it first came out on LP when I lived in Colorado.It got warped and when I went to buy a replacement,the original issue had been replaced by an abridged edition...minus my favorite ska and reggae bits that they were experimenting with at the time.And there it was in all it's remastered glory,screaming "buy me"!!!So I did.I can't describe the joy my body felt hearing "Lose this skin" after 20 plus years :).
I picked up the Dirty Tricks cd tonight...they are like Humble Pie's cross eyed red headed second cousin...the singer has a...unique voice,crunchy guitars sooth my soul and I realize they are another influence on my own playing and singing.
Speaking of,after I had found the dude to transfer our tape to dvd,my son read it and called me,seems he has the same equipment and will do it for free.I haven't heard back from him...2 babies will do that to a man I'm sure.So the Wolves debut on you tube is on hold for a bit,but still coming.
As Ann reports,she has been...uhhh...different of late.Quick to shoot down my shit,very unhappy in her job to the point of bleeding over into heart and home.We had a heart to heart which resulted in her resigning.Not the outcome I expected.But that job sucks donkey balls for her right now and it pains me to see her so miserable,at the same time I don't relish the thought of living in a fridge box and shitting in a bucket.I'm all about the RV living...I don't want to be an "outdoorsman" either.
You gotta support your girl however...and I do.
As I said,work is work,pulling wire and making up joints and trying to make sure it's all done right...and sensibly.It's hard enough keeping my shit in check,much less me and 2 newbies,I hate to bird dog them,so I don't,but this passive monitoring is killing me.
I'm glad it's the weekend.
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