I think we're in for some big trouble.All indicators point to air strikes by the US in Iran.But the focus has reportedly shifted from the nuke sites to the revolutionary guard,or possibly both,to eliminate the threat (if you buy into the notion being floated that the guard is supporting terrorist activity in Iraq).In his failed attempt to whip us into a frenzy over Iran's nuclear program,he's shifted the focus back to the combo meal of patriotism and fear mongering.Truth be told,bunnypants is going to what the fuck he wants regardless of what congress or the citizens at large have to say about it.He and his "administration" are completely out of control.
So...let's play this out.
The US conducts surgical strikes against the revolutionary guard in Iran.How do they respond?
Best case:Go all post Hiroshima/Nagasaki Japan and surrender and enter into "diplomatic dialogue",which ultimately results in an end to the war and a democratic middle east.Primarily as a result of our "superior power" and the fantastic four like ability of Condi to broker a settlement.Let's all laugh together in that pathetic I'm beaten whimper/laugh.
Worst case:Iran sends it's 500,000 plus military pouring across the border and annihilates the 130,000 US troops on the ground in Iraq,plus all those Blackwater mercenary assholes.
Middlin' case:We are bogged down in a war of attrition that goes on forever involving all the major players...war all the time.
I don't care about the naysayers that say Iran's military is full of old outdated weaponry,I can kill someone with a flintlock rifle just as easily as I can with a 1980's AK-47 or RPG.If it still shoots,it still kills.
500,000 vs.130,000,plus the people in country we are currently fighting who would no doubt side with Iran.
I can't conceive of anyone being that fucking stupid...oh...wait...
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