Sunday, December 25, 2005


We hung up our christmas decorations today, one pathetic little string of blinking white icicle lights along the top of the porch. And you know what? That's just fine with us. That we even did that says alot. And it was nice to come home from the folks home after christmas dinner and gifts there and see them twinkling away. That charlie brown christmas special with the wimpy tree has always held a special place in my otherwise anti holiday heart. I could echo Ann's sentiments, but I won't. That would be redundant. Instead, I give you this:

That something so slight could carry so much weight effected me since the first time I saw it to today...this christmas day.
It's not the size of the wallet that matters, it's the size of the heart.
And with that, I wish you one and all love, peace and joy and a better 2006.
Merry christmas from the gang!


Th' Rev

Theo "scammer for treats"

Irene "shish-ka-bob legs"

Sullivan "Barky boy-tell you a story"

Hippy holidays ya'll!!!:)

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