My fellow americans...When I said back in may of 2003 that major combat operations were over in Iraq, 140 men and women had died as a result of our invasion. Since then, 1585 have died as a direct result of combat with insurgents, approximately 475 have died from a variety of accidents unrelated to combat. But we are winning this war...the one I said was over back in may of 2003. Remember...I was all in my sock packed jump suit on the deck of that battleship with that banner behind me that said mission accomplished. Remember? Good.
That was a lie.
It was right around this time that I started spying on people in the united states ( I'm probably lying about this too, but I have told so many lies that it's becoming difficult to keep them all straight) without warrants. Now this is illegal as shit, but as you heard me lie about it today, I am authorized to break the law for
And then there's that whole torture thing...I finally had to roll over for McCain, cause he has real credibility on this issue, and the latest info on the "iceman" makes us look really bad. Had Durbin held onto this legislation, I would have steamrolled it into the ground, along with every other piece of information that exposes us for what we are.
And then there's this whole Plame thing that just keeps growing and growing...and Condi getting ridden like a bicycle in europe over our secret prisons.
And beyond the war...we folded oil drilling in ANWAR into a must pass defense bill...GOD DAMN! We have giant balls. What the fuck does drilling for oil have to do with national defense? Nothing! Nothing at all. But if I say" terrorist" and" WMD" and" 9-11" enough times, you sheep will buy anything.And I can get away with murder...and I am.
It's happy make believe time in america and 1939 germany is the functional model.
Thank you and good night...you monkeys.
What's the fucking difference to these people?
And they question the oppositions patriotism? Please...
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