The plumbers on this job are also the defacto D-jays, they have this power cube made by bosch which has a radio and a cd player and plugs for equipment...check it out:

It plays both kinds of and western...most of the time it's tuned to KVET, a station that plays contemporary country that makes me want to shove self tapping screws into my ears. But they have the biggest box set of Johnny Cash I have ever seen ( I have never heard so many versions of Jackson in my life ) which is cool, and this CD of dirty country songs that is fucking high-larious! The plumber didn't know who it was ( somebody burned him the CD and all it had written on it was "redneck" ) but I did a google and it's none other than Larry Pierce.
Go check it out and hear samples of some funny shit.
It's especially ironic to me because one of the engineers is a woman, who is frequently walking the job site while this CD is playing. I wonder if she is offended. Maybe I'll bring one of my Uncle Tupelo CD's and request they play it...or maybe Steve Earle. Or the new Slayer...nah...I'm dreaming now!
I found some gloves this weekend. Mechanix brand were recommended, and that's what I they are:
Wearing gloves is weird...the jury is still out.
I got them at the walmart in San Marcos, where I met my son, his wife and my grandson to have pictures taken. I was a few minutes early and just for grins checked automotive and there they were. And 2 dollars cheaper than they were in Austin or online...but back to the picture. It's a generational shot of me, Kyle and Sean, kinda like the one of my dad, me and Kyle from 20 years ago. I was stoked that Kyle wanted to do this, and the picture looks good...we are all in black. The pics will be back on Oct.'ll see it then.
Walmart ( which I generally avoid ) has this deal: $8.98 gets you 1 10x13, 2 8x10's, 2 5x7's, 4 3.5x5's, 16 wallets and 4 mini's. That's a hella deal. And that underlines my custom white trash belt.
Several years ago, my buddy Jeb told me about a movie called Spun...about speed freaks. I bought it yesterday, and oh my god...if you have any experience with crank, this movie will hit you like a ton of bricks. I also got Land of the dead...ok, but ehhhh...Romero has kinda run this zombie shit into the ground, and after 28 days later, everything pales in comparison...pales get it???
Have a great week!
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