Sunday, April 09, 2006


There are 1000's of people taking to the streets of the United States of America demonstrating for immigration reform. Most of these people taking to the streets are here in the United States of America ILLEGALLY. Yet, they are taking to the streets waving the mexican flag and demanding their due...from the United States of America.
Hold on just a second...Let me get my footing here.
These wetback motherfuckers are free to demonstrate about how it's ok for them to cross our borders illegally, and on top of that, demand to be recognized and given some sort of status. But when american born citizens want to demonstrate against Bush, they are relegated to "demonstration zones" miles away from where the action is, unheard and unseen by the press. So far, these illegal ass motherfuckers have been front and center wherever they want to be. Additionally, they are headline fucking news on all the major networks.
Now, I have to ask...are illegal immigrants a new thing? NO. There have been wetbacks as long as I can remember, people have been entering this country illegally for years and years and, fucking decades. So why the focus now?
Illegal immigration is a generational thing now...extended families whose roots go back to the mom and dad that swam across the river back in the 40's and every lil' beaner they popped out was by default and thanks to the constitution, automatically an american citizen. They are pandemic to our society. They are everywhere.
And it's just not mexicans...asians, serbs, croats, pick a fucking race/ethnic group and they are pouring into this country from both borders like the fucking plague.
And the people charged with stopping them are too busy with the war on terror to do anything about it. HUH????
Does that make any sense at all?
Heres what I think...there's an election coming up, and the GOP would rather you focus on wetbacks and homos destroying our way of life, so let's marginalize the homos and make the wetbacks guest workers instead of focusing on a failed , unjust war and a capitol hill that is overflowing with the most corrupt politicians in a lifetime of corrupt politicians. There isn't room to list the crimes committed by this administration...ok there is, I'm just lazy, but trust me it's a LONG list. And they want us to focus on immigration.And those evil homos.
I have an idea. At the planned rallies this week, why not have a bunch of INS agents arrest these motherfuckers and send them back to whence they fucking came?
Nah, that would be too easy...let's invade Iran instead.

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