Tuesday, April 18, 2006


When he says it, it sounds just like another one of those bushisms that make him sound like the peckerwood he is...BUT. Decider is actually a noun, of the intransitive sense. And in this case, he's the decider of whether Rummy needs to go. Apparently, Rummy's future is secure, for now. They even dug up some generals to counter the 7 that have come out calling for his resignation.
Now that's resources for you.
When we heard that "I'm the decider" thing on the radio today we laughed and laughed, because he sounded like such an asshole, and our Dad's who said on more than one occaission "Do what I say and not what I do".
When will we hear our chimp in chief respond to critics by " Because I said so, that's why". Not long, I assure you...and it will be related to a nuclear strike in Iran and that "said so" will refer to his "all options are on the table"...he said so, so what are you complaining about Detroit? We'll help you rebuild, right after were done steady fuckin' New Orleans.
Syria? Hey SYRIA! You lookin' at ME? Watch out, bitches...we may be spread thin, but our viscosity is rated in number of warheads...and we got the motherload when it comes to warheads.
Lybia? Come on....we sent Lionel Ritchie...is that not warning enough??? Here's a clue middle east...BOOM...then a whole lot of NOTHING.
Special note to Iran, by the time were done with you and your neighbors, you'll need 12 fucking 12th Imams to even come close to that fringe islamic bullshit you aspire to.
Yessir...Bush is a decider, and we better all be VERY afraid about what he's decidering.

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