Thursday, October 14, 2004


According to my soon to be daughter in law had I not tuned out at 9 to watch "Rescue Me"** I could of seen candidate Kerry "scratch his balls" on national television. I like this in a soon to be daughter in law. However, I would prefer to classify his ball handling as a gesture to the street slingin' voters ( an often overlooked group, who, through their efforts in crack slinging contribute to the's just not the economy most of us focus on) . If Kerry could bring them into the fold and utilize the superior knowledge of supply and demand economics, americas problems would be over (except for the itchy balls...apparently).
And how about that spittle ball ever present in the corner of bunnypants mouth throughout the debate? What's that about? The last time I saw this, it involved anticonvulsant and antidepressant medication, or at the very least booze and really horny porn videos.
What struck me most about Bush last night was, whenever he took a cheap shot at Kerry he would look at the moderator, Bob Schiefer, and laugh. It was like..." Hey man! Ain't I the funniest president ever in the history of debates...I just kicked his ass in a pointed yet funny way...right?"
To Schiefers credit, he did not respond one way or the other and soldiered on through his list of questions.
I was not in the least bit impressed by the lies both candidates threw out regarding the state of our economy and the "plans" to fix it. This one was a no brainer...we're fucked and we have no clue what to do about it, so we're just going to tax you into hell...Bush will achieve this by 2006 if re-elected, Kerry will either earn the bluff and things will get better, or we will crash and burn by the time Hillary announces in 2008, drowned in the government we're assured neither party wants to inflict upon us, but will when the chips are down.
Kerry made many references to a magical "blue cross/blue shield" that anything like white cross, and where can I get some?
Seriously...did anyone else notice the spittle?

[Listening to: In For The Kill - Budgie - The Definitive Anthology (6:27)]

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