This was the view on the way home...the
whole way home.It was a stress exercise driving , I haven't seen rain this hard since the house flooded years ago.The road to turkey creek and city park is hilly and windey and I was seriously in grandma mode with the driving. Some
asshole in a tahoe passed me on a corner in torrential rain - people here get exceptionally
stupid when it comes to driving in bad weather.

Shortly before the sky opened up , it was a nice overcast day...I spotted these turkey vultures hanging out by the boat dock...waiting for fish heads I guess ?

Layla is a
rocket on the trail...we did 2 miles at turkey creek before we went to find our camping friends...she probably racked up 4.Endless energy.

And the ever vigilant Irene.
I feel blessed to have such wonderful dogs. And yes , Theo is still old and grumpy but I think I love him most of all.
I think it might be time to build an ark.
Oh yeah...that cactus I mentioned the other day...found one with red flowers...woot!
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