Monday, February 27, 2006


Main Entry: con vo lu tion
Pronunciation: "kän-v&-'lü-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings

That's how M-W dot com defines convolutions. I've tried really hard to keep the issues seperated and keep the focus on what really matters, but today it got all fucked up in my head and came out something like gay and lesbian arabs react to denial of adoption rights, blow up mosque and riot at Afghani prison while passing anti abortion legislation in faraway So. Dakota. Plus there was the headline: National Guard reveals serious concerns about port security deal, but after lunch reverses themselves and says the comments were taken out of context. Taken out of what context and by who? They don't tell you that.
Plus, Don Knotts, Darren McGavin, and Dennis Weaver all died. If that's not a sign to back off the Bush administration I don't know what is. With the exception being that Elizabeth Taylor still lives and had a birthday. Let me break this down...Don Knotts = John Kerry, Darren McGavin = John McCain, Dennis Weaver= Howard Dean...See what they've done to my mind??? And of course Liz represents the grinding republican machine, or Micheal Jackson (who now lives in Bahrain...the UAE) Coincidence? I don't think so. 74 year old fat washed out actress who supports skinny washed out pedophile now living in the heart of do the math. Kids without pants, jesus juice, white diamonds, do the math.
Who the fuck knows anymore. But that Knotts / Kerry thing is intriguing...innit? Only allowed one bullet cause he shot himself in the foot once...once.
Oh god! There's a Johnny dangerously reference.
See what I mean? These republicans are evil good at the convolution.
They've been teached real good.

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