Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Or is it like Rollins says " I get so wound up...I feel so let down" ? I don't know. Tonight is Rescue me night from 9 to 10. My plan was to recline on the bed with the doggies and watch, and by now be blissfully asleep, to be bright eyed and bushhy-tailed for tomorrow. ( You may notice some extra letters in certain words in recent posts, or perhhaps missing letters...see that fucking extra h ? My keyboard is full of ashes, scratch ticket flotsam and dog hair jetsam, yet I can't be bothered to clean it. And I'm sick of fucking back spacing to correct so- deal with it. )
I've got alot on my mind.
Like this evaluation I keep putting off. Why am I doing that? I know my job pretty well, yet I am averse to this latest union development. Also, I am averse to tests...period.
The other day ( fridaay ) See? Theree is is again and again...fuck you michheal Delll.
Anyway I got this letter on friday and thought it was my invite for a random drug screen...anothher in latesst union developments to test my mettle.
It wasn't...it was a letter informing me I haave been advanced to IJ level 4...half way there in less than half the time. Wow...nice bump in pay, nice bump in self esteem/ confidence. This is a direct result of my time in the field.
So my Rescue me night gets interuppted by a call from my son ( that one's a mis spell )...of course I'm gonna talk to him, no question about it. I can catch what I miss later, no biggie. Then it's the dogs...barky as hell and flea ridden ( it's summer in Texas ) so between the scratching and the chewing and the whining it's hard to follow the scratching and whining and chewing of probably the best drama on television...ever.
So I figure I'll catch what I missed on the rebroadcast coming right uup next. But my stressed out, over worked wife comes to bed, and after telling me the TV won't keep her awake, it does...not to mention the renewed scratching and chewing and whining and jockying for position on thhe bedd of the dogs. After a symphony of sighs and some nice conversation about something other than work, I finally kill the TV and come out here, to my nasty ass keyboard to bore you with this shit. Actually, I came out here to let Ann go to sleep since I wasn't having any of it right now.
And thhe house is quiet...the soft whir of thhe ceiling fan the only other sound, except for the cycling of the AC and my fingers on this shitty keyboard. And the victor electronic rat trap that came in the mail last week.
It does buzz when it fries a fucking rat...and some hhow that's soothing to me. I've been throwing them in the neighbor's yard tonight, the house is vacant but the yard is not.
Buut not soothing enough for sleep.
And then there's the poison ivy.
Fuck Insomnia.

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